Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I just have to say this...

Thank you.
Thank you all my dear friends who have carried me.  I feel the strength pouring in from all around the world.
I have literally people praying for me in (at least) 5 different countries.
In many many cities.
I don't know how I would have had the strength to cope in the last few days without you all.

I have had help with babysitting.
I have had friends bringing dinners.
I had 2 big bags of groceries dropped off today.
There has been bread and goodies.
Kind words.  Thoughtful messages and cards.
I feel so very very loved.

This coming week I have a friend picking the kids up after school for us.
Others have offered to come and help in various ways.

Here are some words from some of my favourite hymns that helps me everyday...

"Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here,
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear"

"Be not dismayed whate'er betide, God will take care of you,
Beneath His wings of Love abide, God will take care of you"

Please keep praying for all of us.
I will blog quite frequently as writing is very helpful for me.
It's like therapy.

I am doing OK btw.
Thanks again for all your love.

A little story before I say bye for now.

On Friday, about the time of my DnC, my husbands cousin's wife came by with dinner for our family.
She walked down the hill from where they live, just a few hundred meters from us.
She had her 3 young sons along, and her 3 year old was on his little bike.
As she visited with our babysitter, her 3 year old kept looking up at the sky above our house.
Our babysitter (who is in her early 50ies) was thinking
"I bet he sees an angel!"
Well, the mom went back home with her little boys, and getting back to her house, she realized that her 3 year old had biked the whole way!!
The hill up is quite steep, so this is very impressive!
She had to point this out to him, and asked how he did it.
"I got strength from heaven!" was his answer....

Kids are angels on earth, and they see things that we might miss.
I bet Star is already working hard, helping us out down here...
I want to open my heart in a childlike way, and let Star be my guide until we meet again.


Anonymous said...

kaisa... @ the library so glad to hear all went well...lots of concern your way from everyone @ church sunday! cant quite thinking of you & your family. hope you are recovering well.. so glad to know you are so well takin care of brings water to the eyes...feels you should be here & i could take care of you. love & miss you tons, krista

MeWoman said...

Love and miss you too, dear friend. Take extra good care of the baby you're carrying, nothing is ever for sure... be proud of your pregnant belly! I miss mine... <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Like Krista said, we sure can't stop thinking of you. It will be one step and moment to the next for you for awhile. Good thing for the rest of your kids and husband to remind you of the blessings you have when things get too rough. Hugs to you all from all of us here! :) Carline