Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh! The weather outside is frightful!

                                           Our youngest girl in our livingroom....

One thing we have no say about is the weather.  We all get what we get.  Good or bad.  So far I have enjoyed this winter.  I take lots of snow and stable, cold temperatures anytime, over rain, sleet and temperatures hovering around freezing.  Now I'm starting to feel a bit sick of it, as we got served a generous dish with really cold weather.  When you go outside and your face stays in the same expression until you get back inside again, it's too cold.  When you can't pour concrete for our house, for 2 weeks!! then it's too cold!!!  (meaning that it's been colder than -15C the whole time.  Many days quite a bit colder than that.  We hit the -30 C mark the other day)  January came and went with a few days of freezing cold, but most days were really manageble, and the kids were outside a fair amount.  I in my innocence figured we got off the hook pretty easy.  I didn't realize that when they said that February is usually the coldest month, they WERE NOT kidding!!!  (this is my 1st winter here, in case you didn't know)  The kids are still outside at recess thou, and their skiing excercises are still in full swing. 

I admire Big Guy and his brothers for braving this weather, working outside.  They have to get the roof done on his brother's house, and these "6 foot plus" guys, decked out in their winter best, trying to not slide off from up there... Yikes.  Makes me a bit nervous.  Ah well.  It's just weather, and soon the temperatures will drop, and we'll enjoy the marvellous spring here.  That's when you head outside on your skiis, out on the lakes for ice-fishing, getting your face tanned, while the rest of your pale body is safe inside your snowgear...  Can't wait!!!  Well, now I'm gonna enjoy my coffee on this frigid winter morning, and figure out the warmest way to make it to the post office with some packages that need to get out the door. (I wonder if I could build a tunnel through the snow??)

Ta-ta!!!  PS: I'm truly thrilled about all the traffic on my blog!  Thank you guys!  And oh... that's not our livingroom really... That's at the IceHotel in Sweden.  Duh.


Pellerina said...

Well our +50 (10degrees C) and sun today seems pretty great. I like reading your blog.

MeWoman said...

Shush over there!!! we LOVE frostbite!
Tnx by the way, I'm glad you enjoy my blabbing...

Sofia's Corner said...

I love the pic of Minna Moo! <3 And yeah, our weather went from a freezing -24C to a more human temperature of -3C... only bad thing - it gave me a cold! Our brother in NC had +20C when I talked with him and wife today... Jealous, anyone? Their kids played outside - barefoot. :)

Helene said...

Tack Sofia, för infon. Och vi som tyckte att det var milt och skönt idag - bara -18 grader och strålande sol. (Som förra vintern när Ludwig sa "Det är ju kokahett, bara minus en grad!") Fast, när man ändå är svinförkyld känns det bra att inte ha allt för bra väder ute.
Kul att ni bloggar!