Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's getting there!

Our house, our house, our dear house!! 

So, how is that project coming along anyway??  Well.  It IS getting there!
A few updates:  Upstairs is all painted.  Ceilings are almost done.  Floor is started on. 
Downstairs is halfway done with the paint, the ceramic tile is getting installed, fireplace is BEAUTIFULLY done (my 2sided "dream" came true!!)  The chimney just has to get bricklaid through the roof, and then we can fire it up! 

Our kitchen is arriving on Friday, along with bathroom sinks etc and also 7 double cosets!
We are almost ready to have the floor poured in the garage and breezeway area (this has been a bit delayed for various reasons, but this week it should be done!) 

I'm packing bags and boxes as fast as I can (between going outside enjoying the beautiful weather we've been blessed with, it's supposed to rain next week, so I better soak up the rays while they are here!)

Today Big Guy is helping his brother move into his new house....   Things are happening!!!

I'll post some progress pictures asap.


Sofia's Corner said...

Your OWN house - sounds perfectly wonderful! Sooo much looking forward to come visit you all. Can't wait to move into our own house too... soon, soon. Funny though, that we are moving this summer again - both you and us!! :)

Linda said...

Kul att det går framåt med huset, det måste vara en speciell känsla att flytta in i ett hus som man designat och byggt själv. Vi får se till att komma och hälsa på någongång när det är klart. :)

Ha det bra

lou lou said...

awesome - enjoy!! can't wait to see pictures! hugs to all xo

MeWoman said...

Linda! Det känns rätt underbart faktiskt! Att se huset ta form... efter att ha börjat med en skiss på papper! Att det blir så som man har tänkt sej är extra kul :) Välkomna ska ni vara!

Tnx Lulu! I'll try to get some pix posted soon, but they are all on Big Guys phone, and the hours he's home (between 23.00 and 7.00 or so) is not when I think about uploading them!

Sofia, very much welcome you too, and yeah... here we pack again!