I don't want to focus too much on a specific date to be in there, it just makes it more crazy.
The sooner the better? Duh. Obviously.
But I also have to stay true to my motto "Being as content as possible, each day, with what I have at each moment." It helps me stay somewhat patient and focused. I also like to compare myself with situations that would be HARDER to be in.... We COULD be living in a SMALLER apartment, with no new house on the horizion!
We could be sick, unemployed etc. There are so many things that I can be thankful for each day, so why waste time stressing about "When THIS or THAT happnes, THEN everything will be so much better!" Well, there's no guarentee for that!!! I DO know that I will love my new house. And whenever we move in there, will be the perfect time!
Here are some pictures for you folks to enjoy!!
So, here we have the chimney to the future fireplace, the windows/door that you see are in the kitchen.
The floor is poured, electrical and plumbing is done as far as it can be at this stage.
Chimney coming up to the 2nd floor, the horizontal window to the left will be in the bathroom, and the bigger window will be in a walk in closet.
Standing in one of the kids "bedrooms", looking towards our bedroom. The windows that are at the top of the wall to the left, will be in our bedroom. The area between our bedroom wall and where Mr. X is standing, will be cut open, so that you can look down into the diningroom.
Inside view of our bedroom. Through the vertical window you'll be able to look downstairs.
Hmmmm.... Hopefully this made some sense! I'm enjoying this housebuilding project immensely! Today I figured out how much flooring we'll need... Tile, laminate etc. I like being able to do something on the sidelines, since me being there with a gaggle of kids along would be "not so productive"! The upstairs is being framed and drywalled (on one side), and as soon as that is done, the electrician will come and finnish off what goes inside the walls, before we add the insulation (you need to have that between the bedrooms here!!) and drywall for the other side..... Then... well, then I guess we'll keep plugging along till we can move in and call this place our HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Vad roligt att se lite bilder på ert hus :) din blogg är rolig att följa förresten. jag trodde inte jag förstod så mycket engelska :D hehe.
looks good!! as much work as it is, it really is so much fun when the house starts taking shape! keep up with the pics!
Love it, sistah! <3 Can't wait to come see you all, and see the final result of your house...eeeh, home! :) Agree with Linds; keep those pictures coming! :)
Thanks! Yupp, all work aside, it will be so neat to have a brand new house to call our own! I feel spoiled... and thankful! I'll try to keep pictures coming on a reg. basis, I have to remind Big Guy to take them!
Our computer is finally up and running again so I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the updates on your blog! I miss you so much! You are truly an inspiration for me, with your happiness for life and good attitude! Hope the chicken pox is going ok! Poor little guy! Poor Mom!! And I love seeing the house coming along. Exciting!
Tnx Carrie, Well, I know one lady who has been a big inspiration for ME! Namely YOU! I look up to you in so many ways! (nice how it goes both ways huh!!)(For you who don't know, Carrie is a "mom to be" of 12 kids,and she is doing an amazing job raising them all.)I miss you too my dear friend. We are doing better health wise, thankfully! Little Guy got a bad cold on top of the chickenpox, but now he's feeling so much better! Thank you!
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