It's been a while since I wrote last, so I guess I'll fill you in on the latest.
It's getting very fall-like here.
The trees are getting their fall colours, and the leaves are getting shaken off the branches in the strong winds that started yesterday.
It's still been pretty warm during the days (+15 C), but several mornings in the last week we had a bit of frost on the ground.
Last night the kids braved the rain and wind and went "trick or treating"!
So much fun for the little kids to go from house to house, filling their bags with goodies :)
Now they don't need to eat any real food for probably a week or two...
Hubby is busy at work, and although the weeks get lonely without him around, it's been working out quite well so far. Five weeks have gone fast!, we'll see how much longer the project he works on will last.
He has every Sunday off now btw, so at least we get him home one day a week.
I have been browsing for houses, it'll be so nice to find our OWN place to live in again, but we don't want to rush it either, but rather take our time till we find something that's roomy enough, but also affordable.
When you work construction it's always a bit unpredictable, and if you get laid off, you don't want to have a house you can't afford!
I believe God will guide us also in this matter.
My belly is starting to "bump out", I am almost 14 weeks already!, it's going quite fast and I can hardly wait to have my next ultrasound. Should be in the beginning of December.
I think we'll find out the gender this time, just for fun!
In the last few weeks we've celebrated several birthdays.
We had friends and family over last Saturday, and it made our rental house feel more like our "home".
In the next few weeks I have to make a Christmas planning list! Can't believe it's already this close to Christmas. We hope to celebrate it with hubby's parents and siblings and their families.
Will be fun and loud and crazy!
Between my hubby and his brother and sister, we have 20 kids between ages 4-16 plus one baby.
So lots and lots of cousins around the same ages.
They all have so much fun and I know they are creating great memories for the future, too bad hubby's sister and family live so far away... I hope they can make it here though!
By Christmas I will be half way done with this pregnancy, and then the "count down" can start!
Will be a fun and exciting spring ahead, planning for the arrival of a new family member.
Well, this post is about all sorts of stuff, but I hope it gave you a glimpse in to our daily lives.
Thankfully our daily life is mostly filled with "boring" stuff, like dishes, laundry, school work, cleaning, paying bills, running errands etc. My life could sure be a lot harder!
I feel thankful for how good I have it.
Ahh it makes me want to come there to celebrate Christmas too! Maybe next year :)
Welcome here too, you know.
COME!!!! I hope to come out there soooooooooon!
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