Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Photo Bomb!!

Since I don't have any earth shaking news to share, I'll share some pictures instead!
Here's a glimps from our day to day life lately... Hope you enjoy!

On April 19th Mr had a Birthday.  We went out to eat (just the 2 of us) and came back to a lovely surprise.
The kids had cleaned the house real nice and even dressed up in nice clothes and set the table beautifully.
They all helped decorate cupcakes and added little signs to them that my oldest and 2 youngest made earlier during the day. On each sign there was a picture of something that my Hubby likes, such a fun and sweet idea! Thanks kids! You guys are pretty awesome :)

Here are the cupcakes up close...

Our September babies!  (almost 14 and 6)

And we had birthdays in February!

Beautiful sunset over the pond close to our house

This was at the end of April and the ice was just breaking up

May 1st is a day off.  It's Scandinavias Labour day.
We hung out in the beautiful spring sun and I burnt a TON of scrap wood in our backyard!

Hubby spent the day up high!

Our 3rd daughter LOVES woodwork and here she's building a bench!

Time for a break!

Not the greatest picture of me, but I just LOVE that blue blue sky!

"Tussilago" a true sign of spring!  Little yellow flowers everywhere!  So pretty!
(not to be confused with dandylions!)

Little Guy is helping out with dad's work while eating his lunch! :)


Pellerina said...

I'm so impressed. By the birthday thing the kids did for Terho! Maybe Enya can plan my birthday too? Haha. And all my kids'.

Sofia's Corner said...

Enya will most likely become something like an event planner and/or baker. Creative one! :)

Oh, I love the pic of you and the blue sky. What color where your eyes that day? ;)