Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nothing much.

It's been a while since I last blogged.
It's not like my life hasn't been busy, there's always something going on, and I wish my ears had photographic memory, so that I could relate some of the hilarious things our 2 youngest say!
They are 2 and 4, and each day it seems like something they do or say, gets the rest of us howling.
But it also seems like so many people these days literally share anything and everything in their lives, via Twitter and FB, it gets to a point where I'm asking myself
"How much do people really care??"

At times I read things on people's FB status, that makes me wonder
"Do you not have any friends to talk to?  Or do you just need attention?  Or do you honestly feel that your 4 last status lines about "At Starbucks", "Left Starbucks", "Drank my dubblelattewihoutmilkbutwithsoyaandstrawberries", "Went to the bathroom, 6$ down the drain".... really need to be shared?  Are you THAT important?  Or what is it?  "Hello world, remember me? Oh yeah, how can anyone forget about a person that reminds their 938 BFF's about their every move...?"
I might sound sarcastic (Noooo? really?), but hey, what is it with this excessive information sharing overload?

Of course I choose to go on FB and read these things, which might happen every few days, but it seems like the longer it goes between times I visit FB, the more pointless checking peoples status lines seem.  Of course FB can be used for chatting, messaging and sharing pictures too, and at times that is useful.
My point, or question, is, Why do we share all these things?
Are we just bored?  Is there an empty space that we need to fill?  Are we lonely?  Do we look for acceptance and approval?  Are we insecure?  Do our lives need to seem more interesting than they really are?  Just wondering.

Besides pondering this deep topic I can share that January has been snowy and fairly mild around here.
Kids have spent a lot of time outside, and have had time to do some skating.
Our regular laptop had its motherboard die, so if I want to go on the computer, I need to use one that is in our office upstairs, not very convenient, meaning I've spent very little time on the computer.
Not a bad thing.
I have taken more walks than I normally do, and tonight I'm going for my 1st Body Balance class.
Exciting.  And scary.
I know I'm in pretty bad shape, but I'm afraid tonites class will remind me of just how bad things are....
If I'm still able to type after tonite, I'll share my experience with you.
And maybe I'll drop a line on FB too...  :)

Today I noticed a beautiful shiny object in the sky, and one of my friends reminded me that it's called the Sun!!  That thing should be around more often... 
Today our diabetic daughter and I went to see her dietician (1st time), and it turned out she only spoke Finn... She understood English OK, but did not speak it much.  Good opportunity for me to see how much I understand of this @#%# language... and guess what?  I understood NOTHING!!  Things are going from bad to worse!  He, he, just kidding, I actually GOT IT!!  Yohooooo!!!!!!! One point for me!
Maybe not every single word, but most of it!  We talked about the diet, bloodsugar, carbs and blah blah, and sure, it was good that I was able to reply in English, but still.... Hoot hoot!
Do I seem insecure?  Needing to blast my own horn like that?  Well guess what, I AM when it comes to Finnish!  SO there, now you can all give me a firm tap on the back!  Moikka!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!!!

Wow!  What happened??
I just read through my last blog that I added less than 2 weeks ago, and kaboom!!!!!
All the things we were anticipating, all the food that needed to be prepared and made, all the gifts that needed wrapping....
Done.  Over.  And out.
We are in a new year and a ton of stuff has been going on since the 21st when I last blogged.

All the food got done.  And it all turned out well.  The pumpkin pie was devine, the ham just right, the different casseroles yummy, and so on...
We celebrated Christmas with my inlaws, and we all had a nice evening together.
Singing, laughing, eating and visiting.
2 of my hubby's brothers who live in the area came by too.
Good old family time!

My dear Hubby got me a neat gift.  In his thoughtful manner, he did a bunch of research to find the perfect fitness programme for me (he knows I need to get out of the house to do things for myself, and he also knows I won't take the time to make it happen, so he got into action!!)
So... He wrote me a little letter, that of course made me all teary eyed, making me sound a lot more than I could ever take credit for to be.  With it I found a giftcard to a gym, where I can take 10 "bodybalance" classes.
Bodybalance is a combo of yoga, pilates and tai-chi!  This is SOOOO me!  I love to stretch and do those type of things, WAAY more than aerobics, as I'm very uncoordinated...
I'm excited to try it out this winter and spring! 

New Years Eve we had friends and family over at our house.
It was a loud crowd, and I think there was about 45 people here!
I loved it!
Lots of fireworks outside, lots of good food, laughter and love inside.
I felt so blessed and thankful for all this!

Well... we are enjoying another few more days of Christmas break before going back to the daily grind.
It's been such a nice break and I can't say I'm too thrilled to start getting up before it's light outside, but thankfully we are heading towards longer days, and I hope some more snow!!  We have hardly any!
Very unusual for where we live.  The temperature is hovering around freezing, which isn's so bad... It could be a LOT colder.
I'm excited to see what the new year brings.  I don't do resolutions, instead I pray that God gives me strength to meet each day with him at my side, carrying me when I feel too weak to walk on my own.
I pray that I get to have as many good days and times with my dear Hubby and our kids as possible, making new memories that will last for years to come!
Happy Blessed New Year to all of you!  I wish you all the best.