Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Going healthy

I follow a few blogs that I like and that inspire me.
I read them for inspiration and often I'm in awe about what these young busy moms have time to accomplish, with their hands full of kids and house chores!

I on the other hand do little projects here and there, and of course there are some crafts I do with the kids and the older kids like to play "Mad Scientist" with the younger ones.  It's not like we just "sit" here, but I can't say that I have anything exciting to share in the production department.

However.  A few weeks ago a good friend of mine emailed me about an eating challenge she started.
I've been in a flunk since Christmas, knowing that sugar needed to go, but didn't really know how to part with it.  I like simple.
If somebody tells me "Eat this amount of xyz, this many times per day!", I get it and I can do it.
I do not like "You need approx 300mg of this and 700mg of that, and blah blah blah!"
So, dear friend shared her excitement after experiencing great results.
This is not so much about losing weight, but more about "feeling good from the food that you eat!"
About nurishing the body, not just feeding it.
About whole and clean eating.  Foods with as few ingredient as possible,
Preferable ONE!

The program I decided to try out is called "Whole30".
For 30 days you challenge your body to only fuel it with things that actually give it good energy.
No more sugars (in any type or form, no honey, or maple suryp or natural sugars), No dairy, No grains, No white potates, legumes, beans, peanuts or vegetable oils.
So what do I eat??
LOTS of GOOD food!  I really thought dropping the grains would be that hardest, but it hasn't!
I eat lots and lots of fresh vegetables, some fruits (not too much, it's like my "candy"), healthy nuts and seeds, good meat (no processed stuff), eggs, fish, coconut, fresh herbs, good oils....
And it's sooo good!
I feel like I'm eating out every day.(at like a really nice restaurant)
Stir fries, soups, stews, salads.... the list goes on.
Today was my 14th day of doing this, and I don't regret one minute of it.

(I have not cheated. I have not had one bite of cookie, or candy or brownie or cake. No bread what so ever etc etc.  I tasted one piece of potatoe chip on Sunday evening, and blah, I don't miss that either!)

I pack along fruits and nuts when I'm not sure what options I'll have if we go somewhere.
When I eat according to the "plan" (very basic, even I can follow it), I stay full so much longer, that I no longer stress about getting hungry between meals.  I used to snack all the time to keep my blood sugars level.  And I did not eat unhealthy before, actually rather healthy, but when you remove ALL sugars, you truly realize how much you depend on them.

After the end of 30 days the idea is to reintroduce foods you stayed away from, to see how they truly effect you.  I know I'll keep eating like this though, more or less.  I have more energy, my rosacea has cleared up significantly (I have tried SOOO many products for it in the past, and now it's like way better than it has been in many years!), my head feels "clear" and I feel just better over all.

If you know what Paleo is, this is very similar, but a bit stricter.
The people behind "whole30" follow Paleo guidelines and have lots of Paleo recipes.

Anyway... That's my latest project!
It's pretty simple, all I have to do is choose what I put in my mouth!


Sylvie said...

Wow I sure am impressed with you, jumping in head first and sticking w it! This yr I have been trying to eat no sugar, and only healthy grains, and it has truly been one of the most difficult things I have ever done. It is just so easy (and cheap!) to grab a junky snack and keep running! And I really have a hard time when someone offers me a plate of dessert, and everyone around me is enjoying theirs... I can't say no!

Unknown said...

Way to go!! Its one of the best feelings, to feel good. I did a similar challenge last year and still attempt to follow it. You must have found a good balance to not feel withdrawals from sugar the first week. Its mostly a mental game I feel. Where do we place our thoughts? On what we can't eat or on what we can...

MeWoman said...

Tnx both.
I've gone without refined sugars in the past, and it was harder than this diet where you cut ALL sugars out (besides the sugars from veggies and frutit). I just don't go there. Since this approach really emphasize the importance of good oils and to eat enough of them!, I have learned so much! That was my biggest mistake in the past. I used fast sugars for fuel, and my bloodsugar would spike and fall throughout the day (poor pancreas). Good fats keeps you full and satisfied longer, and keeps your bloodsugar steady. I enjoy olives, avocado, nuts (not too much), coconut (in many forms) and olive oil. This helps my skin too as well as my metabolism.
Animal fat is also good for may things (but not too much of course)
I also real all lables to make sure I don't eat anything w MSG or sulfates.

Very educational!, sure increases my awareness of what I fuel my body with!

And yes, so true, I look at all the things I CAN eat! TONS of good food! If I want icecream I blend some frozen berries w coconut milk. 2 minutes later- Bon Appetite!

Pellerina said...

Wow this is impressive to say the least! Kudos! I will do thsi too one day. Just not now. Haha :)
My biggest issue is having to buy "my food" and "their food". When you have as picky eaters as I do (and I remember being there...), safe and halfway healthy is all I have patience for.
But one day...

Mrs M said...

Way to go! My family and I have been eating this way (more or less strict in periods and less strict for kids, they have a sandwich for lunch often) since summer 2010. We don't eat potatoes, pasta, rice (sometimes for the kids) and we feel great. Now after being home in Sweden over christmas ruined me. :) But soon I'm back on track! You inspire me! :) We call it liberal LCHF, biggest difference to Paleo is that we it dairy products and less fruit than paleo.

Keep it up!