Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life is settling in

I thought it's time for a little update of life back here in Canada.
We've enjoyed a beautiful fall, with lots of sun and warm weather.
I LOVE that part here.
Since I've been in my first few months of pregnancy, and seriously trying to catch my breath after our overseas move, I didn't get outside as much as I would have liked.
Nausea and fatigue took the best of me for a while, but since it also means that things are going well so far this pregnancy, I'll take it!
I did have an ultra sound last week, and I was VERY nervous before hand.
I wouldn't even look at the screen before the technician told me
"There's definitely a baby in there!  It's moving like crazy!"
I felt a huge sense of relief, gratitude and finally I dared to feel really excited.
Walking back to the car, with the ultra sound pictures safely in my hand, I had tears in my eyes and the biggest smile on my face.  I could hardly wait to call hubby and let him know that all looks well so far.
After two losses I truly feel that each baby is a miracle.
A blessing and a gift given from above.
We don't know how long we get to enjoy any of these little ones, and after losing two already in my womb... well, I can't wait to hold this little one close to my heart.
And it's a reminder to love and appreciate the ones we already have, even more.

Hubby's been working out of town for about 3 weeks now and last weekend he has 3 days off.
We actually went out of town to attend a baptism to our newest God child.
We had a nice trip and really enjoyed our family time (not sure how much our 15 year old enjoyed the traveling part, but that's life for a 15 year old with 6 younger siblings...)

The kids have now been in school for 1 1/2 months and so far things are going well.
Our two oldest LOVE high school and the younger ones seem to like their teachers and classes as well.
It's been an adjustment for our two youngest school girls, in grade 1 and 2, to go so long days.
The older one went to Kindergarten in Finland last year, but since they start school a year earlier here, she's now in grade 2.  The younger one went to daycare a few days a week in Finland, to be with other kids and learn the language, and now she's suddenly in "real school" full days, every day.
They do like it though, so I think they'll be fine.
I do miss the wonderful playground back at their Finnish school....
Here the schools are so worried about getting sued, that kids are very limited to what they are allowed to do outside.  Sad.
Fortunately at home it's not so strict!, they can be outside an do what they want.

One of our girls, she's our 3rd oldest, actually told me the other day that she misses walking home from school!  In Finland she and her younger sister walked or biked home on a regular basis, and even if it sometimes seemed like a chore then, she now misses it.
I personally like the convenience of school buses, but I can see her point.
It was a nice time to be outside, get some fresh air and peace and quiet after being in school all day.
Right now we live off of a buys road too, so they can't go walking or biking around here.
So, whenever we are able to buy a house, I'll definitely keep that in mind!  (that there will be walking and biking trails close by)

Well, most of the time it feels good and right to be back here.
I do however catch myself missing things from Finland.
I know I'll miss part of the winter.
Not the darkness or -35 C, but when there's tons of white, fluffy, sparkly snow on a cloudless winter's day.
The nature and the trails I often walked.
I remember my last few months in Finland, especially if I was out for a walk, thinking
"THIS I will miss"
There are trails and nature around here as well, but not right outside my door!
You don't end up going as often if you have to drive somewhere.
It feels good to miss some things, it's a sign that living there was a treasured experience.
And it also make the things we like here more clear and obvious.

Well, our life is buys and I just realized I need to start preparing for Christmas soon!
It will be fun to show the little kids all the decorations and things that they do different here.
And I'm sure we'll miss more than one thing from overseas........

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Oh, the places you'll go!"

The title of this blog is stolen from one of my favorite Dr.Seuss children's books.
A book about a successful future for anyone willing to try.
Willing to try, regardless of the end result.
And if you follow the author's magic formula, you will succeed.
One hundred percent guaranteed.

This book, with its messages, makes me think of my sister.
My younger sister.
I have 6 sisters actually, 3 older and 3 younger.
This one is the 2nd youngest.
From a very young age she was well ahead of the game with her unusually early speech.
She spoke fluently by 18 months, knew the whole family's birthdays before her 2nd birthday (12 people).
When she was 3 years and 5 months old, she taught herself to read.
By four she was writing short stories, with very few spelling errors.
Maybe thanks to her having so many siblings, my parents encouraged her, but didn't make a big deal about her special gifts.
First and foremost she was a child.
And my mom let her be just that as long as she wanted.
She was, however, very, very creative, and there were many nights when she and my youngest sister would be up late at night working on some craft project.
They had ridiculous goals at times.
Like "We have to use all this material before we can go to bed!".
(they were around 7-8).

One remarkable story is from when she was three years old.
My dad asked her:
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
To which she replied:
"I want to work in an office where you draw houses for people" (this is more or less what she said)
Well.  19 years later she graduated from college in Minneapolis with a diploma that let her do just that.
Remember, she grew up in Sweden and figured out, more or less by herself, how to make it possible to attend college in the States.
So, she drew houses.  And successfully so.
People would ask for "The Swedish girl" to do their drawings.

Then she got married and God blessed their marriage with a little boy.
I told her, while she was pregnant, to be prepared to become restless as a stay at home mom.
She didn't think that was going to happen, but I still told her that, just in case that day comes, don't feel bad if you want to work part time.  Knowing her busy, creative mind, I could see her brain burning from not getting enough use.
Well.  Little baby boy wasn't old before she drew houses part time again.
When the little boy was 1 1/2 they were blessed with a little girl, and mom had to slow down a bit.

Fast forward 6 years in time.
This dear sister is now a mother of 5.
You'd think by now she'd be busy enough, or just simply not have the time anymore, to create etc.
This girl is busier than ever!
She's gone from drawing houses to designing fabrics on www.spoonflower.com
She has been very successful with the designs, and she branched out by making baby/children's clothing from the designs that she got printed.
Now she has a growing business on www.etsy.com, she's been featured in magazines, had her clothing design printed in a book, been contacted from many different places that are interested in her stuff.

This girl is definitely going places!!!
I will share a link to her blog where she shares her creativity, designs and clothes, and links to her store etc.
Pellerina Design

"Fnill" (that's her childhood nick name), God bless your success.  I am so proud of you, and thankful that you are able to do these things that you truly love, on top of being a great mom and wife.
Just had to write this for you.... please don't shoot me.

Oh yeah, maybe the thing I love the most about her is how humble she is about her talent.
She honestly, truly never, ever does anything to draw attention to herself.
(if she was already good at that, I wouldn't have bothered writing this post!)

"Oh, the places you'll go!"
I can't wait to sit on the sidelines and just watch!