Blogger Boss needs to decide what this is going to say about how crazy her life is & how she loves coffee & walks with her hubby.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Picture this!!

Here's a "picture perfect" post.
A little bit of everything...

Above the clouds the sun is always shining!
On our way to Norway, flying from Helsinki to Rovaniemi.

My oldest (the Lapp Lady) and my sisters youngest (the reindeer)

The moms had to try it too!!  My nephew is watching us with a smile
on his face...

Beautiful Lapland.  This is in the very northern part of Finland.

Such peaceful beauty!

Cousins hanging out!  Such a sweet little boy :)
Our sweet boy turned 3 and asked for a "Tank cake"!
Well, he wasn't disappointed. 
Dad arranged one with the help of oldest daughter.
Not bad, huh?
In the morning we woke him up with a small cake and presents in bed.
Well, he wasn't too impressed with the bright candles.
"It's too sunny!!", he said.
So I blew them out for him so he could uncover his eyes :)
On October 26th we got our first snow this winter.
The following morning the "snow panthers" were busy outside!

In sharp contrast to the tank cake, stand this "Shoe Cake".
Our oldest daughter made this sweet treat for her younger sister
when she turned 11.

Happy Birthday to a You!
Her candles weren't too "sunny" btw

Happy Halloween!
A white cat, a ghost and a fairy.
We celebrated Halloween at home and I arranged a treasure hunt for
the kids after eating "Halloween shaped" nuggets and fries for dinner.

Well, that's all for now.
Pictures are so much fun to share, but I am bad at taking pictures and worse at posting them.
I always seem to mess up somehow in the process, so I avoid it, so each time I get it done I feel like
I've accomplished something huge!  My blog never look very prefessional.
It doesn't have anything "cute" or fancy about it.
So never mind the unevenly spaced pictures.  If I try to correct them I'll probably delete them.
I've never claimed to be computer savy, at least the kids in the pictures make up for the lame layout :)

1 comment:

Sofia's Corner said...

I read this blog post on my phone, and at first sight it looked like the tank cake was standing on a plate with chili...or "köttfärssås." :-D

The shoe cake... :D

Nice pics, time for me to get up another post too, huh.