I haven't written much this spring. I take it as a sign that our life is fairly uneventful = not a whole lot to share.
We had a beautiful Easter weekend in every way. The weather was gorgeous and believe it our not, spring did arrive!! Unusually late, but this last month has contained many sunny and fairly warm days.
Magnolias are starting to bloom, bushes are green, dandylions are decorating peoples lawns, trees are also budding and turning green. I love it :)
Here are some pictures of our gang at Easter btw, for once we remembered to take pictures when they were all in their dressy clothes! Fun memories of a nice weekend.
Hubby is still working out of town. He's been applying for work locally, but without luck for now. This is not the situation we wanted, but him sitting at home doing nothing isn't a better alternative, so for now I am more or less a single mom. He's been able to be home for the weekends lately, so that's very nice.
On Sunday he needs to head up to a new project that's starting 6-7 hours drive from here. It's north east of Toronto, so if the traffic is bad, driving back home could easily take 8 hours. In other words, if I go into labor when he's up there, his chances of him attending the baby's birth are very slim.
I really hope that won't happen, so my "goal" is to have the baby this weekend ;)
I have 11 days left to my estimated due date (May 6th) and I usually go overdue, but, you never know!
I am feeling more and more ready for this baby to arrive and I've been in the so called "nesting mode" as of late. Meaning, I am trying to get all sorts of stuff done before the baby's arrival. I have that restless energy, while also feeling pretty wiped from being big and pregnant. My quality of sleep at night is definitely compromised, I need to use the bathroom very frequently and turning is a pain...
Ah well. Soon I'll be up all night with a newborn, so I might as well get into the groove of things again!
The kids have another 2 months of school left, here they go till the end of June. Over all this first year of school back in Canada has gone well for them all, and now our little guy is talking a lot about starting school/Kindergarten in the fall. I think he'll be ready when September arrives, which makes it much easier for me to send him away! We sure enjoy our days together at home though and he keeps me truly entertained!
I hope to update you all with some exciting news in the near future, till then, I hope you are all having a wonderful spring!